So, I'm not quite certain what it is about alcohol that will make you sleep like the dead, but I certainly had one of those evenings where after one drink (went to T.G.I Fridays with some friends last night and partook in a "Cosmo-Rita" ftw) and a large meal with good friends, I was utterly exhausted. As such, when I got home, I knocked out as if I had been shot with a tranq dart.
Honestly, after waking up this morning to my blaring alarm clock and my whiny baby (Rosalie this time) and rushing to get ready so that I could get to class, I can't really remember much of the dream. As it is, it's relatively unfortunate because I do remember that my dream was awesome.
The first part that I remember is that I was standing in a field of what appeared to be wheat. Do you remember the movie Gladiator starring Russell Crowe, when he's dying and he's walking through the rolling, Tuscan hills of golden wheat? Yeah, it was like that. The same high-contrast coloring and everything (obviously, my dreams get pretty detailed). So, I'm walking through this field and the wheat is blowing in the wind and whipping at my stomach. I'm wearing this flowy dress that does not seem to have any distinctive color and for some reason my hair is really long and curly (in reality, my hair barely touches my shoulders and it's Asian-straight). I remember feeling the tips of the wheat whipping kind of felt like it had sawed edges and it kind of hurt a little bit through the fabric of my clothes. I really don't know why I was walking through it, but I just was. It was relatively peaceful and I remember feeling calm, despite the mild pain and irritation of the wheat.
After that, I don't remember too much. But I remember that everything went really dark and I looked down at my hands and they were glowing as if they were fluorescent "day-glow" and a black light was being shined but there was no black light. I know, it's strange but since it's a dream I hope no one will judge me. Ha. So, I'm staring down at my hands and as I'm looking at them, this petrifying sense of foreboding fills my chest to the point where a cold point in the middle of my sternum begins to spread throughout my veins to every single part of my b0dy and I can't feel my legs because I'm so nervous. Suddenly, the lines on my hands (on my palms and the joins at my joints) begin to split open and blood starts pouring from hands in these spider-webby patterns. The lines open up more and more until I can see the gore of the insides of my hands; my muscles are ripping apart to the point where they look like a raw steak being torn. It was bright pink, just like a rare steak, and the blood was this deep red like you see in macabre compositions (photos, digital paintings, stuff like that). My skin-tone had evened out at this point until it looked almost normal, only they were pale (save for where the blood was) and they had that same high-contrast look as before.
Oddly enough, the feeling of foreboding went away and the feeling came back into my legs. That same sense of peace that I had had before returned to me, and I felt utterly calm.
And then I don't remember anything else because my stupid alarm clock went off and I didn't have time to just lay still and think about my dream because my daughter woke up and I had to get her up. So, there was really more to that dream but I can't really remember it, but it is unfortunate--like I said. Right now, I'm actually in class and we're discussing basic html (something I already know how to do, so although I'm keeping my ears open for my name, I'm not really paying attention unless I'm helping someone...hence the blog), so I should probably become more involved with the class as of right now. But given the fact that it is a new Term for school, I should probably be paying a little more attention. I like to be engaged in my schoolwork. So, ta' for now!
Side-note: yes, I understand that my dream appears to paint me in a relatively masochistic light but I don't really think I am. It's just a dream. Ha.
heart day
5 years ago
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