So, I haven't stated this in my blog before, but I am a complete gleek. I love the show and I watch it religiously every Tuesday night. It all started one night when my sister had rented the entire first season from Blockbuster--where she used to work (by the way, I'd just like to take the time to say how AWESOME my sister is. Thank you, Ashley. You know why you're awesome!). In any case, she rented it and was watching it before season two came out. She asked me if I'd seen it, and I explained to her how much I hate reality shows (she has a tendency to watch them..."Jersey Shore", anyone? *gag*). Ashley quickly put my fears that another horrible reality show was created to rest, and she informed me that it was more like a musical than anything else. So, she put on the episode where Kurt teaches the football team to dance....and I was instantly in love. And believe me, at this point, my love for "Glee" far surpasses my sister's nuke-warm affection for it.
Let me start off by saying that I completely identify with Rachel. If you're unfamiliar with Rachel Berry, let's just say she's certainly not everyone's favorite sometimes. The "Rachel Berry (Glee") page on Wikipedia at one point describes her as a "...type-A, uber-talented, self-involved know-it-all who's usually alienating her classmates...". And yes, I suppose it's not a good thing, but a lot of the time I find myself feeling the exact same way that she feels when it comes to people. As a singer I sometimes feel a lot more entitled than other people to certain roles (I've been known to have a bf or two behind the scenes of choral concert)--or at least I used to when I was in school. And even now, I easily alienate myself from my co-workers and friends by being too abrasive. From the first time Rachel was introduced, placing a gold star by her name on the sign up sheet for Glee Club in Episode 1, I knew she was going to be my favorite character.
I'm pretty sure the reason why I'm so obsessed with "Glee" is because the world of "Glee" is almost exactly how I wished the world was in real life. Let me explain: In my ideal world, everyone would be able to sing and dance, everyone would randomly burst into song and harmonize perfectly and everyone's mutual respect for music and passion for performing would bring people together to make a spectacular show. I wouldn't necessarily want to be the Rachel Berry of my world, but being a part of something special like that? Yeah, that's definitely important to me.
I suppose I've thought about this way too much. But let's face it, it doesn't look like "Glee" is going anywhere any time soon (thank G-d). The reason it's such a big success is because there's too many crappy reality shows on television and people want a break from real life. People want to feel happy and inspired again and I think "Glee" does that for people. It's like "Dancing With the Stars"--people just want to have a "feel-good" show that they can watch, and maybe even spend some time with their families while they watch it.
Fair thee well, fellow gleeks!'s okay. I'm certified!
heart day
5 years ago
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