Before I get into the meat and potatoes of this blog, I'd just like to throw in a little disclaimer. I love my children more than anything. I love being a mother. Through the late-night feedings, the fussiness, and the dirty diapers, nothing makes me happier than when I'm holding my happy babies in my arms, looking into their big, brown eyes with their long, fluttering eyelashes or when I can soothe their cries simply by walking into their line of vision.
That being said, sometimes I feel a bit detached and I'm not sure if that's normal.
The second I had my children in my arms, I felt that instant connection--that bond that every mother prays she'll feel once she sees her children. Luckily, I didn't have hours and hours of a painful labor to dull any of those feelings, and all I felt was a surge of absolute protective, motherly love.
What kind of scares me is that I don't feel that way all of the time. Even when I have one of my girls in my arms, or when I go about the motions of the day--feeding them, doing their laundry, changing them, etc--I don't feel like a mother. Sometimes I feel detached from them, like I'm just taking care of them for someone else or I'm an aunt or something. It's such an awkward feeling. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm their mother, that these little girls are going to be with me for the rest of my life and I'm going to be taking care of them and there's never going to be a break from it (even though sometimes I feel like I can really, really use one, haha).
I suppose it will sink in a little bit more as time passes by but I think what I'm afraid of is that instead of sinking in, it will just feel more and more unattached. I can't really imagine that happening, of course, but the fear is still there sometimes. Luckily, they're only a month old, so I have years and years to sit on the topic and just let it eat away at me until I go mad. Just kidding.
Until everything settles with me, though, it's not that difficult to deal with. I mean, I still have those radiating moments of pure, motherly love. Not to mention I have the sweetest, most adorable, beautiful, little girls on the planet. <3 But of course, I'm kind of bias. :)
heart day
5 years ago